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5 types of beans, high protein sources Great muscle builder for guys.

5 types of beans, high protein sources Great muscle builder for guys.

Snacks for men who are building muscle. It can’t be anything. In addition to various types of nuts The advantage of eating nuts is that they are high in protein. Contains good fats necessary for the body Helps nourish the brain heart and blood vessels Balancing the digestive system and excretory system to work more

8 drinks that are not recommended for women who are losing fat

8 drinks that are not recommended for women who are losing fat

Usually, the main reason that causes the body to accumulate fat. It doesn’t just depend on eating food. But it also includes the consumption of certain types of beverages as well. Because some drinks cause the body to accumulate fat, unlike eating certain types of food. So we’ve gathered together 8

How important is "hormones" in retirement

How important is “hormones” in retirement

Sex hormones or estrogen hormones will gradually decrease, affecting physical and mental changes, which depend on each person’s physical condition. Many hormones in the body have different roles and functions. Which will depend on the nature of that hormone and some hormones may have multiple roles as